The summer sevens program is now open.  We encourage anyone interested in playing to come out and learn this Olympic game.

If anyone has any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me.

Practices begins Wednesday  5/31 6:30-8pm and continue each Monday & Wednesday there after.

All practices are held at the Denville Rugby field 18 Pocono Rd. Denville NJ

Tournaments include:

Dates and Venues

Week 1 6/17 Monmouth 7’s Lincroft, NJ

Week 2 6/24 Tristate Danbury CT

Week 3 Hellsgate NYC

Week 4  New Haven CT

Week 5 Blazing 7s Denville


Fee: $130 REGISTER HERE Please have your paperwork completed at the first practice.

All players must be CIPP’d

Omar Rivera Coach 973-900-0028