Youth Flag Rugby


LVW team photo

Long Valley Wolfpack FLAG Rugby

Long Valley Wolfpack play in the Morris Rugby Youth League and invite kids from kindergarten through the 9th grade to join in this exciting and fast moving sport. Running. passing, kicking, teamwork and self-confidence are a few of the things you will experience in this fast-growing, non-contact flag version of one of the most popular sports in the world.

The program is run as a clinic, with 2 evening practices and Saturday morning matches scheduled against neighboring towns. We know its summer, so we keep things low key, no stress. Your level of commitment is entirely up to you. The program is intended for children entering Kindergarten through 9th grade. Girls can play through 10th grade.

Practices for all ages are held at the Califon Road Fields. Practices are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6:30–8:00 pm and matches are played on Saturday mornings starting at 9:00 am and ending by noon.

Children from neighboring towns are welcome to join. The registration fee is $100 (includes a $10 town field usage fee). Participants receive a practice t-shirt. All players do need to purchase a game jersey for $33 and flag shorts for $20.


In the summer of 2001 the Long Valley program was born. Following the now well-scripted formula for starting a community youth rugby program, they recruited 43 players for the best start yet for a new program. Since that inaugural year, the Long Valley program has continued to grow. For the past several years the Long Valley program has registered over 100 players ranging in age from 5-14 and in 2005 had a coaching team of 23 lead & assistant coaches, including several internationals from South Africa, Wales, France & England.

Long Valley has also been on the leading edge of introducing the tackle version of the game to both boys & girls at the Eagle level. Out of summer tackle clinics came the core of the original Morris Girls U19 team as well as new players for the Boys U19 team.  Over the past several years many Wolfpack Flag players have gone on to play tackle for the Morris U12/U14 Girls and Boys teams and the Morris High School Boys and Girls teams.



2025 Season Starts June 9, 2025
and runs until July 19, 2025

First Game June 14, 2025



Tuesday and Thursday nights
6:30 to 8:00 pm
Califon Road Field, Long Valley


Jasmine Plaunt


(Entering 7th, 8th & 9th Grades)

(Entering 4th, 5th & 6th Grades)

(Entering 2nd & 3rd Grades)

(Entering K & 1st Grades)