Youth Flag Rugby
Denville Dawgs Rugby 2025
25 Years of kids running forward and passing back
American Flag Rugby is a co-ed, non-contact form of rugby, using flags. Skills including
running, kicking, passing, space strategy, teamwork and self-confidence will be
The program is run as a clinic, with 2 evening practices and Saturday morning games
scheduled against neighboring towns. We know its summer, so we keep things low key -
the commitment level is entirely up to you. The program is intended for children
entering K through 9th grade. Girls can play through 10th grade.
Practices for all ages will be held at the Pocono Fields. The season runs from June 9th –
July 19, 2025
Practices will be held on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 6-7:30pm and games
will be played on Saturdays beginning June 14th, 2025.
Games: Fields / Towns TBD
Saturday June 14, 2025
Saturday June 21, 2025
Saturday June 28, 2025
Saturday July 5, 2025
Saturday July 12, 2025
Saturday July 19, 2025
Children from any town are welcome to join.
The application fee is $100.00. Participants
will receive a new rugby t-shirt.
Players must purchase shorts $20. Jerseys are optional. All players will receive
a tee shirt that they can wear on game day. Registration is open at
Registration is $100 per child. Late fee of $10 after May 1st , 2025.
Coaches & Referees are needed to keep this program running. Please consider getting
on the pitch with the kids. This is an easy game to coach or referee. We have training
sessions available. Contact KJ Feury if you have questions.
Our goal is for all to have FUN while learning and playing the exciting sport of Rugby!
Online registration will take place at For additional information
contact KJ Feury at
Click Here to Join the Denville Dawgs Facebook Group
The idea of starting a youth rugby program in Morris County first struck Tom Feury at the 1998 Can-Am Rugby tournament in Saranac Lake. It was here that his oldest child Blaze, then 6, participated in a youth rugby clinic organized by Pat Walsh who was then the pioneer of touch rugby in the Baltimore area. With the future of the Morris Old Boys in doubt and A side play beginning to take its toll on Feury's aging body, youth rugby appeared to be a new potential career extender.
Tom spent the next several months securing the permission to run a summer youth rugby program in his hometown of Denville NJ. It was an uphill battle gaining access to fields and becoming an accepted town recreation program, but the battle was won and plans were put in place to start the first Morris Youth Rugby Program in Denville in the summer of 1999. The first priority was to recruit enough children to make the program feasible. Luckily, the Feury's had met several other Denville families through their kids other athletic pursuits and convinced several to sign on. It was also key that several other Morris ruggers lived in town including Gerry Francisco, Rick Merrill, and William Dobbs, all of which contributed kids, coaching skills, or both. The final and most important recruitment tool was getting an application and flyer sent home to all the elementary school kids in town. In the end, 28 applications were received.
Peter Glanvill, then the men's side coach, stepped in to help organize the training sessions. The kids were broken into 2 divisions: Kindergarten through 3rd grade and 4th through 8th grade. The program was run as a clinic and Peter had the sessions well organized with three stations for each kid to pass through, each keying on different rugby skills. Mike Stumpf developed an excellent video entitled "What is Rugby? A Youth Rugby Orientation" which helped tremendously in getting the concept across to kids and parents alike. In the end, the season was considered a success as the parents raved about the great coaching kids received the how much more organized rugby appeared to be to be than some other sports their kids participated in. Not a bad complement for a sport many consider to appear quite unorganized!
2025 Season Starts June 9, 2025
and runs until July 19, 2025
First Game June 14, 2025
KJ Feury