To All the Morris Rugby Family,

During this difficult time in our lives I know we have had to take a step back from rugby but wanted to take this opportunity to update everyone about our ongoing plans to ensure Morris Rugby is in the best position possible when we are able to begin play again.

In a previous email I said all games were suspended until April 12th and obviously that has now changed with all games and practices suspended until further notice.

As the spring season was suspended, and at this time may not resume anytime soon, we have made the decision to carry over all registration fees for next season. The amount of credit will be determined after costs from the current season have been covered for each team. Anyone who isn’t planning on returning next season, for example High School Seniors, will be issued a check for the same amount. Once the final figure is worked out with the coaches, they can provide that information to you. Please bear with us as we complete this as soon as possible.

No decision has been made regarding the flag program yet as there are a few months before practices are due to begin but we are regularly visiting our options for the summer 2020 program.

Many of you will also have seen the fact that USA Rugby is filling for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. I wanted to assure you this doesn’t affect the club’s viability in any way. We are looking at the best options for the club moving forward in terms of governing bodies and organizations to align with. Again, there are many unknowns, but we will to do everything possible to ensure Morris Rugby continues to offer the best opportunity to play rugby to all our players and coaches.

As we move forward, I will try and keep you all up to date but if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask and I will try to answer then for you if possible.

I look forward to seeing everyone on the pitch again soon.

Stay Healthy,

Andrea Matthews
Morris Rugby Corporation